Tuesday, February 9, 2010

15. Plan weekly craft projects with Avie for 6 months. Make it a habit to continue on after the 6 months by putting it on the calendar. (14/24)

Craft Project #14 - Make daddy a special homemade Valentine's Day card.

I cut out the hearts for her and she glued them on to the card. Then I gave her a bunch of Valentine themed stickers and she went to sticking.


  1. She looks so serious, but I bet she had some fun! LOL!

  2. She is a busy girl! I found a site that has preschool worksheets and lesson plans that are free. I'm working with Stella now to get her ready for preschool in the fall. Lots of fun stuff! Here's the link: http://www.tlsbooks.com/preschoolnumberandpremathworksheets.htm
    Thought you'd like to take a look since that's one thing on your list.

  3. Thanks for the link Anna! My parents got her quite a few preschool workbooks from Toys R Us for Christmas and she likes the ones that she has so it will be nice to have a "free" source to get more. Thanks for looking out! :)
