Friday, April 17, 2009

19. Read one parent/self-help book a month for a year. (1/12)

#1 - APRIL 2009 - Withhold Not Correction by Bruce A. Ray

A good friend of mine from church told me about this book and how it has helped her get a clear mind in disciplining her son. I thought it would be good to get another perspective especially one that involves the reformed church. There are quite a few nuggets that I will take away from this book and I have tabbed certain chapters to reference as Avie gets older. This book has helped me to look at discipline in a way that should reflect God's discipline and that it should always be corrective and by disciplining children, it shows evidence of love.

"Our concern as parents must be to see our children corrected: to see a change in their attitudes and a change in their actions, to see their lame feet put back onto that course and walking once more in the direction that the Lord would have them pursue. May God forgive us when we seek to turn the authority to correct into a license to abuse; we don't have that right. Any discipline that we administer, any correction that would be biblical, must be administered under God's authority, and it must be administered in a context of love. . . . . Your children will never believe you are in earnest, and really wish them to obey you, so long as your actions contradict your counsel."


  1. I love that. Have you read "Taking Care of the Mommy in Me" by Lisa Welchel? Good book too.

  2. Thanks for the recommendation Roselyn! The reviews on this book are awesome! I have it in my Amazon cart to purchase! Thanks for looking out. ;)
