Wednesday, July 15, 2009

19. Read one parent/self-help book a month for a year. (2/12)

#2 - MAY 2009 - The Five Love Languages of Children by Gary Chapman, Ph.D and Ross Campbell, M.D.

I am a huge fan of their original book, "The Five Love Languages" that I read back in 2003 before Matt and I were married. The book gave me a lot of great insight on how people give and need love. In the childrens version, there are the same five love languages:
1. Quality Time
2. Words of Affirmation
3. Gifts
4. Acts of Service
5. Physical Touch
This book talks about the importance in learning your child's love language because knowing it is one of the keys to inspiring them and a chance at meeting their deepest emotional needs. The author writes, "I dream of a day when all children can grow up in homes filled with love and security, where their developing energies can be channeled to learning and serving rather than craving and searching for the love they did not receive at home. It is my desire that this book will help this dream to become a reality for many children."

I have put this book on my "annual" read list. I feel that it's that important for the future of my family and I highly recommend this to anyone who has children.

Some of my favorite nuggets:
"True unconditional love will never spoil a child because it is impossible for parents to give too much of it." pg. 20

"How can I motivate my child? We can motivate only after we have filled our children's love tanks and trained them to manage their anger. Failing in these two essentials, it is nearly impossible to understand how to motivate children." pg. 145

"The psalmist calls children "a gift of the Lord," a "reward," a "heritage." Children are the most wonderful gift we can have. If they mean so much to God, they should mean everything to us, their parents. I would suggest that you make a list of "requirements" for being a good parent." pg. 196 * At the top of my list is to keep my daughter's emotional love tank full and speak the five love languages to her on a daily basis.

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